Thursday, June 10, 2010

We witches are not to blame

We know that we may be witches and all but just because we interfered with a few people’s lives doesn’t mean that we are the ones to blame. We only told Macbeth and Banquo what we saw in their futures, and we also thought they had the right to know. We did not tell Macbeth to take into consideration what we told him. He also came to us afterwards seeking more prophecies, and we obeyed his wishes. Some people may say that we were the reason that so many people were killed by the doing of Macbeth, but we did not tell him to kill the Duncan. His wife Lady Macbeth was the one who kept on telling him to go through killing the King. She also pressured him into killing Duncan by questioning his manliness. Once again we would like to state that we were not responsible for the deaths of all the people killed my Macbeth, and we are also not responsible for Macbeth’s actions. He was a grown up and he was able to make his own decision, and he knew right from wrong, so he knew what he was getting into. We feel as though we were wrongly convicted of messing with Macbeth’s mind but we really didn’t. He started hallucinating and then he slowly mentally started to lose it until the day he died. We know that most people see witches as evil but we do believe that we have not done anything wrong to Macbeth or anyone else connected to Macbeth.

(Jessica Doodahnand)

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